Modern stucco is a type of cement-based plaster used to cover exterior walls.
It commonly consists of four ingredients: sand,
Portland cement, lime and water; however, specialised variations may contain additional additives such as fibers and synthetic acrylics for improved durability and flexibility.

The Valencia raw cement floor screed provides a unique look that can be tailored to give either a smooth or rustic finish. The natural swirled pattern is ideal for home, office, game lodge, and entertainment settings looking to evoke an inviting atmosphere. Thanks to its application process, this screed is perfect for any decorating project.

High heels will leave marks in the surface.
Chairs with a small footprint and/or sharp edges on the foot-piece may leave marks. “Rocking” on a chair intensifies the pressure on the floor.
Cover the foot-piece of the furniture with felt or a plastic cap. (available at Mr Price stores)
Do not drag heavy furniture across the floor.
When dropped, heavy knives and cutlery can penetrate the sealer, leaving a small and almost invisible hole.
If the floor is regularly cleaned with a mop, water penetration will occur at these tiny holes and dark spots will appear.
Pinholes can be cleaned out with a degreaser and toothbrush.
No harsh chemicals are to be used on the floors ie: handy andy.
It is not recommended to use any detergent that contains wax, this builds up a residue and attracts the dust and grime.
Dust and dirt particles that are hardly visible act as an abrasive. The best method to remove dust is with a vacuum. Vacuum prior to mopping.
Mopping with a damp (NOT wet) mop is effective if the area is generally clean. For areas where there is more dirt and spillage, a mop must be rinsed regularly otherwise the dirt is just spread around. Replace the water in the pail regularly.
With regular mopping, sweeping and cleaning of a sealed floor, including penetration of dust particles the lustre will be diminished.
CAUTION where the floor meets and stops at a wall, there is generally a point of access for moisture. As the mop squeezes against the wall, moisture can be left behind. This will result in dark marks.
‘Please note that while all our distributors are authorised to stock Africote products, they remain independent entities vis-a-vis the Africote factory (Africote International (Pty) Ltd) based in Bedfordview, Johannesburg. All Africote products are warranted by Africote International (Pty) Ltd for various lengths of time, depending on product purchased and subject to proper application in terms of our specifications. As aforementioned, however, the Africote factory has no role, either directly or indirectly, in the application of our products once supplied to our authorised distributors, unless otherwise expressly indicated. As such, while every reasonable effort is made by Africote International to ensure that our distributors possess the requisite knowledge and skills regarding our products and their application, we cannot guarantee the “workmanship and application services” of said authorised distributors. In an effort to maintain the ethics and integrity of the Africote brand, however, we encourage our clients to provide us with any feedback which would assist in our continuous efforts to ensure the improved quality of workmanship provided by our authorised distributors’.